Schulerweiterung im Ferdausi-Camp

Education under difficult conditions
Afghanistan is marked by wars and fighting. Understandable from a political point of view, Afghanistan's capital was frozen after the Taliban takeover and financial aid from the donor community was suspended. From a humanitarian point of view, this is like a catastrophe. There is little to no cash available, i.e. wages cannot be paid, and at the same time prices for food and medicine are rising.

According to the United Nations, Afghanistan is facing widespread poverty, which will affect almost the entire population.+

Informationen zum Einsatzgebiet & Projekt

Our Helping People | THE DONORS

Timo Abid


Area of activity: Afghanistan, Mazar-e-Sharif

Donation volume: Das gesamte Projektvolumen beläuft sich auf ca. 30.000€ – 10.000€ davon werden durch die The Helping People Stiftung bereitgestellt.

Organisations involved: Bildung für Kinder aus Afghanistan e. V. aus Wolfsburg.


Kinder im Ferdausi Flüchtlingscamp

Im Ferdausi Flüchtlingscamp in Mazar-e-Sharif leben seit 2016 mehr als 300 Familien. Vor zwei Jahren wurde dort bereits eine Schule gebaut, allerdings reicht das Gebäude bei ca. 288 Schüler:innen nicht mehr aus – zumal die Zahl der schulpflichtigen Kinder steigt. Damit alle Kinder die Schule besuchen können, werden sie in einem 3-Schichtsystem unterrichtet, wodurch die Unterrichtsstunde von 45 Min. auf 35 Min. reduziert wird – das ist ein Nachteil für die Kinder. Deswegen wird ein Schulgebäude mit vier Klassen gebaut, umso dem Bedarf gerecht zu werden und die Strukturen vor Ort zu stärken.

  • Allen Kindern einen verlässliches Bildungsangebot ermöglichen
  • Erweiterung der Unterrichtszeit von 35 Minuten auf 45 Minuten, um die Angebotsqualität zu steigern
  • Achieving an educational qualification for a future in Afghanistan

The children...

  • experience their start in the world of education
  • learn writing, reading and arithmetic
  • experience a chance for change alongside wars and poverty
  • are strengthened in their self-efficacy and motivation
  • get a structure in the challenging everyday life



Since time immemorial, conquerors and invaders have tried to claim dominion over the land. Each occupying party has pursued its own interests and neglected the welfare of the people. Corruption and rebellion repeatedly lead to civil war and conflict.


The continental climate is characterised by large temperature differences between the summer and winter months. Southern Afghanistan belongs to the subtropics. The northern part of the country, on the other hand, is assigned to the temperate zone. Despite the climatic differences, the inland area has great biodiversity. 30% of the plants alone are endemic species and grow nowhere else in the world.


Almost half of the male population is considered illiterate. For women and girls, it is over 75%. Decades of conflict destroyed the education system and the Taliban's strict interpretation of Islam leads to early marriage of young girls.


The population consists of many ethnic groupings that the respective rulers could never fully represent. Since the Taliban occupation, the freedoms of women and girls in particular have been severely restricted again.