School under the sky

School under the sky

Children and adolescents live on the streets as a reaction to violence and abuse in their families or because they have lost their parents through poverty, wars or illnesses. Their children, in turn, are born into a life on the streets. The daily struggle for survival determines the everyday lives of children and adolescents on the streets of Dhaka.

They are exposed to violence, sexual assault, drugs, filth, exploitation, disease, harsh and undignified working conditions and hunger. Access to educational, recreational and health facilities remains largely closed to them. Personal development, including future prospects, is not possible for them.

Informationen zum Einsatzgebiet & Projekt

  • Einsatzgebiet
  • Spendenzweck
  • Beteiligte Organisationen
    Das Projekt “School under the Sky” wird von Give one back e.V. aus Würzburg in Zusammenarbeit mit ihrer Partnerorganisation LEEDO Street Children aus Dhaka organisiert. Mit Abstimmung der lokalen Behörde betreibt die Organisation LEEDO an verschieden Brennpunkten einen mobilen Treff in Dhaka, Bangladesch. Dieser offene Treff ist für Straßenkinder an 4 Tagen in der Woche für täglich 4 Stunden gedacht.
  • Spendenvolumen
    70.000 €

Our Helping People | THE DONORS


Area of activity: Dhaka, Bangladesch

Donation volume: €100,000 for two Schools under the Sky at two locations for a financing period of 3 years.

Organisations involved: “Give one back e.V.” from Würzburg in cooperation with its partner organisation “LEEDO Street Children” from Dhaka, which maintain close coordination with local authorities.


Children and adolescents from infancy to young adulthood.

With the help of a large donation, the implementation of a “School under the Sky” with LEEDO Street Children® and Give one Back was made possible in May 2021. The organisation partner LEEDO maintains so-called “Schools Under The Sky” at various hotspots of the city. These represent a low-threshold education and care offer for street children. Classes take place on the ground on a tarpaulin and in the open air. This is an informal education concept, whereby children are taught the basic skills of reading, writing and arithmetic. For many children, this is the first contact with an educational offer. However, “Schools Under The Sky” is about more than basic education. The children have a safe retreat and the opportunity to escape the rough everyday life on the street for a few hours. They can play, rest and are supervised by the social workers. In addition, the children receive a full meal, which is often the only meal of the day. Basic medical care and informal group therapy sessions round off this offer. The open meeting is open for street children 4 days a week for 4 hours a day. In addition, the social workers carry out outreach work, i.e. they visit the children in their gangs/cliques and meetings.

Wir helfen den betroffenen Straßenkindern, damit sie selbst zu Multiplikator:innen werden und ihre Gesellschaft und ihre eigene Zukunft zum Besseren verändern können.

  • Safe retreat for leisure activities and a full meal
  • Imparting informal basic education (reading, arithmetic, writing)
  • Life Skills Training and psychological support
  • Placement of particularly vulnerable street children in professionally run orphanages
  • Reintegration measures into the family of origin or placement in public schools
  • Workshops and active help with setting up a business for adolescents
  • The street children have an improved physical and psychological health.
  • Their self-efficacy and motivation is strengthened and their interest to learn and experience new things is increased.
  • They share their experience with other affected children.
  • They look for solutions for a future away from the streets


Bangladesh has a population of 165 million (see Maltese), of which 21.7 million (2021) live in the metropolitan area of Dhaka (see Statista), the capital. The population density is the highest in the world. The population grows by slightly more than 1.3% per year. The growth rate is therefore higher than that for Asia as a whole, where it has fallen to below one per cent. Slightly more than 63% of the people live in rural areas.


Bangladesh is the country most affected by climate change, say Professors Khandker and Ahmand. What is certain is that global warming is hitting Bangladesh especially hard. If the sea level rises by one metre, 18% of the country's surface will be flooded without further protective measures; 38 million people live there.

Education and future

The state education system in Bangladesh comprises four main levels. The literacy rate in Bangladesh is 74%, which is below the world average and about the same level as India, yet Bangladesh is comparatively well off in terms of education. The goals set by the UN in the area of "Education for All" are being met.


When looking at social conditions in Bangladesh, the change in the role of women is noticeable. Women are not paid as well as men, oppression and rape of women has increased. Moreover, the government's efforts to reduce the gap between rich and poor mainly benefit men. And Bangladesh still has the highest rate of girls being married off before the age of 15 in the world.